Canvas @ Yale

FeedbackFruits: Adding Yourself (an Instructor) as a Reviewer to a Peer Review Activity

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The Peer Review tool in FeedbackFruits provides the opportunity for students to review the submitted artifacts of their peers, and provide narrative as well as quantitative feedback on their work based on rubrics and criteria defined by the instructor. However, the instructor may also want to provide a review of the work using the same rubric that the students are using as well.

This article will detail how an instructor can assign themselves as a reviewer to student submissions in the Peer Review tool on FeedbackFruits.

At this time, you can only add yourself as a reviewer manually for each submission. There is not a way to automatically add yourself to each submission.

The full FeedbackFruits suite of tools is not available for Canvas @ Yale.

Yale University has officially licensed the FeedbackFruits Peer ReviewGroup Member Evaluation, Interactive DocumentInteractive Video, and Discussion on Work tools for use in Canvas @ Yale academic course sites.

  1. Navigate to your Canvas course and open the Peer Review activity created with FeedbackFruits.
  1. Scroll down to the "Received reviews" section (usually section 4 in the activity).
  2. Click the "View Reviews" button.
  1. On this overview of the reviews a student has received from their peers, click the circular plus sign button in the bottom-right hand corner of the page.
    1. When you hover over this button the text will say "Add yourself as reviewer."
  1. You have now been added as a reviewer and can provide your review of that submission. Click the student's submission on the "View Reviews" page in the column representing your review of that student to begin providing your feedback.

Adding yourself as a reviewer will include your scores in the activity final grade, if you have chosen to have peer feedback scores calculate a portion of the student's grade for the Peer Review activity. You cannot have the instructor score be weighted more or less than the other student's feedback scores.

Be sure to check out the FeedbackFruits Help Guides (Vendor Support) for more assistance and guidance on creating / configuring your FeedbackFruits activities.

For more help with FeedbackFruits please email [email protected].

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