Canvas @ Yale

Perusall: Copying a Perusall Course to a New Canvas Course

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If you have used Perusall in a Canvas course, and would like to copy the material you created into a new Canvas course, please follow the steps below.

While we are pleased to offer Perusall to our community, we ask you to be aware of the following considerations when using this application:

  • Copyright: The following Copyright Statement holds true for documents uploaded into Perusall as well as into Canvas.

The University expects all users of this site to respect copyright and to determine if their posted content complies with copyright law and the Terms of Use for Canvas. By uploading content into Perusall, you affirm the content was lawfully acquired and:

you are the copyright holder; or

You have obtained express permission from the copyright holder or determined such content is in the public domain under copyright law; or

You have completed a fair use evaluation and determined in good faith after reasonable inquiry that the use of the copyrighted work is a “fair use” under copyright law.

  • Accessibility: Students with disabilities who leverage assistive technology may experience difficulty reading documents loaded into Perusall using their preferred screen reader, and an alternative assignment may be required. To help minimize this, please ensure accessible PDFs are uploaded into Perusall. For assistance in creating accessible PDFs, please see the following page.
  1. If it is not already enabled, follow the instructions for enabling Perusall in your new Canvas course.
  2. Click on "Perusall" from the Course Navigation in the new course and navigate to the Library tab on the Perusall course home page
  3. Click the "Material from another course" option from the list of potential content types in the right-hand list to copy over your documents and assignments to the new course.
  1. In the pop-up box that opens, select your "Course to copy" from the drop down menu and what specific content (if you only want certain items) to be copied, then press the "Save Changes" button.
  2. When done, the content will be copied over to your new Perusall course, and any assignments will be reconnected successfully with your Canvas course assignments.
    1. Be sure to update the assignment due dates in Perusall as well if any are set.

Additional Resources:

For more general information on Perusall, please visit the Perusall website. For more help, please contact [email protected].

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