The Qualtrics LTI is a powerful survey tool that is integrated into Yale's instance of Canvas. Qualtrics allows for faculty to create and share robust, responsive surveys to collect data and feedback from their students and other participants. This article will cover how to add a graded or ungraded survey created on Qualtrics to your Canvas course through the Qualtrics LTI.
Follow the instructions in the Qualtrics LTI: Connecting Your Canvas Account to the Qualtrics LTI if you have not already done so to make sure you have access to the Qualtrics LTI.
- In your Canvas course navigate to the "Assignments" section of your Course Navigation and select the "+ Assignment" button to create a new assignment.
- After providing a Title and Description to the Assignment item, scroll down to the "Submission Type" section and select "External Tool" from the drop down menu.
If you would like to configure your survey as an Ungraded Survey, configure your Canvas Assignment with these settings:
- Points: 0
- Display Grade as: Points
- Do not count this assignment towards the final grade: Checked Off
- Click the "Find" button under the "Enter or find an External Tool URL" header.

- Find and select "Qualtrics LTI" in the "Configure External Tool" pop-up box that opens.

- In the new pop-up box that opens, select the survey you want to add to your course from the "My surveys" list.

- If there is any embedded data that is being piped into your survey questions, you will have an opportunity to review which data fields are being utilized in the survey. Click the "Next" button to continue adding the survey to your Canvas course.
- Use the toggles to enable or disable if you would like to set announcements or reminders to your course participants about completing the survey. Select either:
- Set an announcement for this survey
- Set a reminder for this survey (will only remind student who have not completed the survey)
- If either of the notification options are selected, click the "Next" button to set up the notification date, time, and notification text. If neither options are selected, click the "Save" button and skip to Step 15.
- For an announcement, set the date and time when all participants in the course will be notified.
- Provide an "Announcement title" and "Announcement message" in the text boxes provided.
- Utilize the "Insert survey link" to embed the URL to this survey in your announcement text.
- For a reminder, set the date and times when only participants who have not completed the survey in the course will be notified.
- Create multiple reminder dates and times using the "Add reminder date" function.
- Provide a "Reminder title" and "Reminder message" in the text boxes provided.
- Utilize the "Insert survey link" to embed the URL to this survey in your reminder text.
- Once you have clicked "Save" you will be brought back to the "Configure External Tool" pop-up box on Canvas. Click the "Select" button to add the Qualtrics LTI survey to this Assignment item.

- Finish setting up the Canvas Assignment by picking the "Assign to" users, and any "Due" dates, as well as if you want to control access through the "Available from" and "Until" dates.
- When all finished, click the "Save & Publish" button to share the Qualtrics LTI survey with your course.

For more help with the Qualtrics LTI in Canvas, please email [email protected].