Canvas @ Yale

FeedbackFruits: Overview

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FeedbackFruits is a robust assessment and feedback tool suite that can facilitate individual or group oriented student-to-student, student-to-content, and instructor-to-student feedback activities, as well as many other interactive assessments.

The full FeedbackFruits suite of tools is not available for Canvas @ Yale.

Yale University has officially licensed the FeedbackFruits Peer Review, Group Member Evaluation, Interactive Document, Interactive Video, and Discussion on Work tools for use in Canvas @ Yale academic course sites.

Why Use FeedbackFruits?

FeedbackFruits offers multiple assessment and feedback tools, which can support:

  • Peer and group feedback
  • Self and peer assessments
  • Authentic / skills-based assessments
  • Collaborative learning and social annotation

FeedbackFruits Tool Suite

Canvas @ Yale has licensed the following tools for all academic courses to use:

  • Peer Review
  • Group Member Evaluation
  • Interactive Document
  • Interactive Video
  • Discussion on Work

Tools for authentic assessment and peer feedback

  1. Peer Review - Streamlines formative and summative assessment with flexible peer feedback criteria and self-reflection
  2. Group Member Evaluation - Streamlines how students assess their peers’ collaboration skills, based on teacher-designed criteria.

Tools for collaborative learning and social annotation

  1. Interactive Document - Enhances learner-content interaction and engagement by enabling teachers to add in-line questions and discussion points to documents.
  2. Interactive Video - Stimulates asynchronous engagement and interaction with video materials by enabling teachers to add in-line questions and discussion points to videos.

Tools for engagement and interaction

  1. Discussion on Work - Encourages students' collaboration, interaction, and critical thinking through online discussion on submitted learning materials.

Use Cases for FeedbackFruits

A non-exhaustive list outlining what instructors can use FeedbackFruits to facilitate include:

  • Students providing self and assigned peer feedback on paper submissions
  • Groups defined in Canvas providing feedback on work submissions of other groups
  • Participating in structured discussions on student work
  • Overlaying discussion and knowledge check-based questions on course materials
  • Socially annotating course materials to perform a close reading of a text

Read about more tool and discipline specific use cases from FeedbackFruits' own curated list or real-world applications of their tools.

How do I get started with FeedbackFruits?

To learn more about how to use FeedbackFruits to facilitate feedback and assessment activities, please reference:

  1. FeedbackFruits: Creating a New Activity in Canvas
  2. Select the FeedbackFruits activity type that you want to create / attach to your Canvas assignment
  3. FeedbackFruits: Editing an Activity Linked in Canvas

Focus on the Feedback Tools

There are many tools in the FeedbackFruits suite, which can be overwhelming when trying to determine the tool that is the best fit for what you are trying to accomplish with your students. You can use the following resource to help you determine which Feedback-specific tool you may want to use, as well as the "Which tool is most suitable for me? (Vendor Guide)" for a review of all tools in the FeedbackFruits suite.

Note: Yale does not license all tools in FeedbackFruit's tool suite.

What will my students see?

FeedbackFruits utilizes a similar organization and structure from one tool to another, though there are slight differences in how each tool looks dependent upon how it is set up. Review the articles below for more detailed overviews of what the student perspective is for the tools highlighted here, or watch the short videos.

For more details, check out the individual tool support guides for the "Student Perspective" articles.

For more help with FeedbackFruits please email [email protected].

Or use the Chat button in the FeedbackFruits activity set-up or tool pages to speak with a FeedbackFruits support team member 24 hours a day, every weekday (not available on weekends).

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