Faculty may want to keep a record of who attended specific Zoom sessions—including information like when attendees entered and exited a meeting. This article covers how faculty can check attendance in their Zoom meetings after the sessions have ended.
The attendance report that is going be covered below is available 30 minutes after a meeting has ended.
- After you have logged into https://yale.zoom.us/, click "Reports" in the left-hand navigation menu and select "Usage" from the list of report types available.
- Utilize the "From" and "To" date boxes to set which sessions you want to take attendance on, then click "Search."
- Use the "Toggle Columns" filter to add and remove information from the table.
- Click on the "Participants" number for a session to view a more detailed table of information on that specific session.
- A pop-up box will open displaying your "Meeting Participants" information. Use the check boxes to alter the CSV export you can download.
- Export with meeting data - Include the meeting data (session title, meeting ID, duration, etc.) in the file download to avoid any confusion if you download multiple session reports.
Show unique users - Remove duplicate attendee names from the report.
- You may notice the same attendee's name in the meeting multiple times. This happens when an attendee leaves the meting and re-joins it. You won't be able to tell if they left the meeting because of technical difficulties.
- The "Total Duration" column includes the total amount of time the student spent in the meeting even if they left / rejoined several times.
- Click the "Export" button to download a CSV file of the meeting participant information for this Zoom session.

- A CSV file will download to your computer, which you can open in Excel.
- You can click File > Save As to save this report with a new name and in an Excel (.xlsx) format if you wish.

For more help, please contact [email protected].