Canvas @ Yale

FeedbackFruits: Creating a New Activity in Canvas

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FeedbackFruits is integrated and displayed directly into the Canvas Assignments tool. The following instructions will take you through how to add a new FeedbackFruits activity to a Canvas Assignment.

The full FeedbackFruits suite of tools is not available for Canvas @ Yale.

Yale University has officially licensed the FeedbackFruits Peer ReviewGroup Member Evaluation, Interactive DocumentInteractive Video, and Discussion on Work tools for use in Canvas @ Yale academic course sites.

  1. In your Canvas course, navigate to the "Assignments" section in the Course Navigation.
  2. Click the "+ Assignment" button.
  1. Provide an "Assignment Name" for Canvas to use.

The "Assignment Name" on Canvas does not have to match the name you provide to the activity on FeedbackFruits, though it is recommended you use the same name to make it easier to find / reference.

  1. Provide any "Points" that the FeedbackFruits activity will be worth.
  2. Set the "Submission Type to "External Tool" from the drop down menu and click the "Find" button.
  1. From the pop-up menu that opens, find and click on the "FeedbackFruits" option.
  1. A new pop-up menu will open where you will select and create the FeedbackFruits activity type you want.

You can find guides on how to configure all the different FeedbackFruits tools on our FeedbackFruits: Overview support page.

  1. Once you have configured your FeedbackFruits activity and click the "Save" button in the top of the pop-up menu, you will be brought back to your Canvas Assignment page where you will now click the "Select" button in the External Tool pop-up to confirm that you want to select the specific FeedbackFruits tool you just created.
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save & Publish" if you are ready to share the FeedbackFruits assignment, or else click the "Save" button if you are not ready to publish the activity.

Be sure to check out the FeedbackFruits Help Guides (Vendor Support) for more assistance and guidance on creating / configuring your FeedbackFruits activities.

For more help with FeedbackFruits please email [email protected].

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