The Rich Content Editor (RCE) is the default text box space in most items for a user to write and create content. The RCE is designed and laid out similar to other popular word processor toolbars, while still supporting and facilitating some unique Canvas specific functions.
This article will review how to embed and record video in Canvas content wherever the Rich Content Editor is available.
Table of Contents
This article will address the following information:
Embedding a Video from Your Media Library
For Course Welcome Videos that you want visible to students via Yale Course Search, please reference the next section on "Inserting an HTML embed code."
- Place your cursor in the text box where you want your video to be embedded.
- To get to the Media Library video list you can either:
- Click on the "Tools" menu [1], select "Apps" [2] and then "Media Library" [3].
OR - Click on the Media Library icon [5] in the toolbar.
- Click on the "Tools" menu [1], select "Apps" [2] and then "Media Library" [3].
If you have not used Media Library recently, you may need to first click "View All" [4] and then find Media Library.

- The Media Library pop-up will appear. Select the video file [6] you want to embed.
You can also use the "Upload" or "Record" tabs [7] to add or create a new video.
- Once you have selected the video, click the "Insert" button [8] and your video will be embedded into the text box.
- When you are returned main page, click "Save" or "Save and Publish" to finalize your changes.

Recording a New Video from the Rich Content Editor
When you are creating / editing content using the Rich Content Editor, you can easily record an audio / video file right from the editor. To do this, you will need to use the Media Library tool.
- From the editor toolbar, click on the Media Library button [1].
- In the pop-up, select the "Record" tab [2].
- By default, the recording should be uploaded to the course site you are currently creating content in. If desired, you can use the Media Library folder drop down menu [3] to select a different folder.
- In the "Name your recording" box [4], enter in a title for your recording.
- Next, select the appropriate recording tool that you would like to use.
- To record your video from the browser (without needing to install an application on your computer), you can use the Panopto Capture tool by clicking on the "Launch Capture" button [5].

- A new tab will open in your browser with the Panopto Capture tool. Use the tool to record your audio / video / screen recording.
Check out the vendor help article on How to Create a Video Using Panopto Capture
Check out an overview of Panopto Capture Interface.
- Once you are done recording your video, you will be returned to the Media Library pop-up. At the bottom of the pop-up box, click the "Insert" button [6] to embed the video into the rich content editor.
Depending on the size of your recording, it may take several minutes for the recording to process and upload completely into Media Library.

- When you are done editing your content, make sure that you click "Save" or "Save & Publish" [7] on your Canvas content.

To learn more about the Rich Content Editor:
If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].