The Rich Content Editor (RCE) is the default text box space in most items for a user to write and create content. The RCE is designed and laid out similar to other popular word processor toolbars, while still supporting and facilitating some unique Canvas specific functions.
This article will review how to link to other Canvas activities / pages in Canvas content wherever the Rich Content Editor is available.
- Place your cursor in the text box where you want your link or, if desired, highlight the words you want to be a clickable link.
- To get to the list of activities and tools, open the course links list by either:
- Clicking on the "Insert" menu [1], selecting "Link" [2] and then "Course Links" [3].
- OR
- Clicking on arrow to the right of the Links Tool icon [4] in the toolbar and select "Course Links" [5].

- A slider drawer will appear on the right side of the screen displaying the list of Canvas tools. Click on the down arrow [6] next to the appropriate item section type to expand it, then click on the specific item in the list [7] you want to link to.
To link to a tool directly (like the Announcements tool or Modules tool), click the down arrow for "Course Navigation," then select the tool from the list.
To link to a specific activity (like a specific assignment or discussion topic) click on the down arrow next to the tool, then select the specific activity from the list.

- Once you have clicked on the activity / tool, your link will be inserted into the text box.
- When you are returned to the main page, click "Save" or "Save and Publish" to finalize your changes.
To learn more about the Rich Content Editor:
If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].