The Groups page in your Canvas course is comprised of many different components. This article will go over each element of the page provide additional information and context to ensure you feel comfortable navigating and using the Groups functionality.
Follow the instructions on Creating Groups in Your Course to make your own group set and view the full Groups page interface as well.
After you have created a group set, you will able to view the details of your group set on the Groups View page. Below is a description of what you will see on this page:

- The "People" tool button in your course navigation menu takes you to your course enrollment and the "Groups" tab.
- The "Groups" tab for each Group Set you create.
- A listing of all the individual Groups within the current group set.
- The expand arrow will allow you to show / hide the list of group members in an individual group.
- The expanded view of a group, showing the names of the student group members.
- The three-dot menu item displays More Options for an individual group to the far right of the group name.
- Under the More Options menu, instructors and TAs can use the View Group Homepage button to look in on group work, as well as edit or delete the group.
Instructors / TAs are only guaranteed access to group work that is done specifically in the Group Site.
- List of students that are Unassigned to a group in this group set.
Students can only be a member of one group within each group site.
- Import groups tool can be used to quickly assign students to groups.
- The "+Group" button creates new groups in the current Group Set as needed.
- The More Options menu in the top-left corner for the Group Set allows instructors the ability to modify Group Set settings.
For more help, please contact [email protected].