Canvas @ Yale

Gradebook Overview and Features

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The Gradebook utilizes many features that are beneficial to you and your course when sorting, displaying, and posting your course grades to students. The purpose of this article is to review these features as well as the missing functions which Instructure is developing resolutions for. 

To learn more about the Gradebook functions and features in Canvas, please watch Instructure's overview video.


The Canvas Gradebook includes many features designed to improve the grading experience. In the Gradebook, you are able to use:

  • SortingSort assignment columns by their order in modules.
  • FilteringFilter assignments by assignment group and / or by module.
  • Customization for Grading Statuses: Set custom colors for specific submission and grading statuses, including: late, missing, resubmitted, dropped (via assignment group rules), and excused.
  • ArrangingArrange the data in any Gradebook column by missing or late status.
  • Grade Input: Toggle between entering and viewing grades as points or as percentage values.
  • Unpublished Assignments: View or hide unpublished assignments.
  • Automate Late Policies: Automatically apply grading rules to late and missing submissions.
  • Adjust Submission Status: Manually adjust submission status to none, late, missing, or excused.
  • Grade Posting Policy:  Select the default grade posting behavior for all Gradebook columns (automatically / manually). This can also still be set at the individual assignment level.  
  • Hide / Post (formerly Mute / Unmute): For manually posted grades, instructors will be able to hide / post to all students or to students who have a graded submission. Additionally, the new Grade Posting Policy allows instructors to release grades based on students' course section enrollment.
  • Gradebook History: Provides a detailed log of any grade changes for students. This history details who graded a student, when, as well as what the old grade was and the new grade currently is.

Missing Features

  • Student NetID: Currently the student's secondary ID (NetID) does not automatically appear in the Student Name column. In order to show NetID you will need to click the three dot icon associated with the column, select  "Secondary Info," and then "Login ID."
  • Anonymous Roster: You cannot hide students' names. Instructors can turn on Anonymous Grading for use with the SpeedGrader when grading individual assignments, but anonymous grading / disabling student names is not available in the Gradebook.

For more help, please contact [email protected].

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