Instructors can use Assignments to create ungraded, no submission assignment for their students. Typically, this type of assignment is used to assign readings to students that have due dates. These types of assignments will be listed in the Course Summary section of the Syllabus tool but will not be listed in the Canvas Grades area.
Table of Contents
This article will address the following information:
Creating the Assignment
- Click on "Assignments" from the course navigation.
- Click the "+Assignment" button in the top-right corner.

- Provide an "Assignment Name" in the top box.
- Enter a description or assignment details in the Rich Content Editor.
- If you would like to attach files, you can use the Rich Content Editor to select the Document icon.

Assignment Settings
Below the Rich Content Editor are assignment settings. For an ungraded, no-submission assignment, you would want to set the following options to:
- Points - Set the number of points to 0.
- Assignment Group - Select an assignment group or create a new assignment group. Because these are a special type of assignment, you may wish to have a separate Assignment group to keep these assignments separated from any graded assignments you may have.
Assignment Groups are a way to organize activities listed in the Assignments tool in Canvas. Assignment Groups can be used to visually arrange activities together in any way that makes the most sense for your course (examples: by activity type, by topic, by week, etc..). Assignment Groups can also be weighted so that the scores of activities within the group will count for a certain percentage of the final grade. Click the links below for more information about Assignment Groups:
- Display Grade As - Select "Not Graded."
- Assign - Select who and when will see the assignment. To ensure that the Course Summary section of the Syllabus tool is organized properly, you will at least need to provide a "Due" date.
- Click "Save" (saves a draft) or "Save & Publish" when finished.
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