Canvas allows you to duplicate an assignment. This may be useful for quickly creating assignments with the same settings such as weekly assignments.
All items in an assignment are duplicated including the name, description, point value, and options, except for the following situations:
- Copied peer review assignments retain the peer review setting and Assign Review date, but the number of reviews per user will be set to zero.
- Copied assignments are always assigned to everyone in the course; differentiated assignments are not retained for individual users, groups, or sections.
- If a differentiated assignment includes an "Everyone Else" date, the copied assignment retains the Everyone Else due date, if any.
- If a differentiated assignment does not include an "Everyone Else" date, the copied assignment does not include a due date.
- Copied external tool (LTI) assignments may need to be reconfigured.
- Classic Quizzes cannot be duplicated, but quizzes using the New Quiz engine can be duplicated.
- Click on "Assignments" from the course navigation.
- Click on the three dot icon next to the assignment you want to duplicate.
- Select "Duplicate."

- The assignment will now be duplicated with the word "Copy" added to the end of the assignment name.
- You can edit the assignment to change the name.
- Duplicating an assignment defaults the copied assignment to an unpublished status.

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