The "Discussion" tool allows you to create a discussion board in which students can see and respond their peers' responses to a topic. Discussion boards can be configured in multiple ways to facilitate many different types and styles of discussion.
- Click on "Discussions" from the course navigation.
- Click the "+Discussion" button in the top-right corner.

- Name the discussion in the "Topic Title."
- Type your discussion details within the Rich Content Editor.
- If you would like to attach files, you can select the file from the Document icon to upload a file, or select one from your course files.
- Select the Section(s) and / or individual students in the "Post To" box.
- Upload "Attachments" by clicking "Choose File" and finding a document you want to make available for users.
- Choose the specific "Options" for your discussion topic that fit the discussion style and experience you are looking to create for your students.
- Allow threaded replies - users' responses are indented as they respond to one another.
- Users must post before seeing replies - users cannot see other responses to the prompt / discussion until they have responded themselves first.
- Enable podcast feed - allow users to subscribe to a podcast feed of the discussion.
- Graded - when enabled you can determine a grade value as well as what Assignment Group the discussion will be placed in.
- Allow liking - allow users to "Like" responses from other users that mirrors a social media experience.
- Check off "Group Discussion" if you plan for student to only be able to interacti with students in their personal group.
You can find instructions on how to create groups from our help article "Creating Groups in Your Course."
- Set the Availability Dates for when students can interact and reply to the discussion.
- Click "Save" or "Save & Publish" when finished.

Additional Resources
For more help, please contact [email protected].