Canvas @ Yale

Canvas Updates for Spring 2025

Updated on

Notable changes to Canvas @ Yale environment, last updated 10/01/2024.

Table of Contents

This article will address the following information:

Canvas Updates

Canvas's core functionality is continuously updated throughout the year. Here are some of the more notable changes you should be aware of.

Canvas External Application updates

Institutional Perusall License

Perusall, a social annotation tool for collaboratively marking up and discussing course content integrated with Canvas, has been signed on with an institutional license to make Perusall available in all academic Canvas course sites without a request for funds or payment from both instructors and students.

Though Perusall no longer requests payment upon course creation to instructors or students, if an instructor selects texts from Perusall's own digital library then payment may be requested and collected by Perusall from students. The license with Perusall does not provide the Yale community with any  access to Perusall's own library of resources—just the tool itself.

Please assign texts from Perusall's own library of texts with the knowledge that students will likely need to purchase access to those resources.

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