The Hidden Files folder is a folder pre-created for you in your Canvas course site's Files area. The Hidden Files folder has the default visibility permission (only available to students with link) which prevents students from seeing the folder or the files contained within the folder when they navigation to the Files area in your course.
The Hidden Files folder can be used to store sensitive files that you do not want students to be able to access. However, anywhere in your course where you can use the Rich Content Editor, you can insert links to files contained within your Hidden Files folder so students will be able to use these links to view and access your file.
Anyone with the role of Instructor, Guest Instructor, TA, and Course Designer in your Canvas course site will be able to see the Hidden Files folder and its contents.
There are 4 different visibility settings for files / folders stored in the Files area:
- Only available to students with link: (Default for Hidden Folder files) Students cannot see this content when they go to the Files area. If you link to this somewhere else in your course, they will be able to open and view it, but only through a link.
- Published: Available to all users enrolled in your course when they go to the files area. If you link to this content, the students will be able to open it.
- Schedule student availability: Students can only see this content between the dates you specify. If you link to this content somewhere else in your course and the student clicks on it outside of the dates you specify, they will get an error message that the content is not available to them.
- Unpublished: Students cannot see this content. If you link to this content, the students will get an error message that the content is unpublished.

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