Utilize the 'Favorites' function to find all of your courses easily within Canvas @ Yale. By setting specific courses as favorites, they will appear on your Dashboard for quick access.
The Canvas Dashboard is populated based on the active term dates for courses. Setting a course or courses to your "favorite" will override this Dashboard population and only display the courses you have identified until you change your favorites for the following semester.
To return the Canvas Dashboard back to its auto-populated list of courses based on active term, remove all courses from your favorites.
- Click on "Courses" from the global navigation.
- From the side drawer that opens, click the “All Courses” link.

- From your list of courses available to you, click the "Star" icon to mark a course as a favorite.
- A filled in star will show the course on your Canvas Dashboard
- An empty star will no longer display on your Canvas Dashboard

- Click on the "Dashboard" option in the Global Navigation to return to your Canvas Dashboard and view the course(s) that you have selected as your favorite.

For more help, please contact [email protected].