Canvas @ Yale

Online Portfolios at the Yale Divinity School FAQs

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General WordPress Help

For general and up-to-date WordPress help, we recommend Getting Started with WordPress

How do I change my Welcome page picture and caption?

  1. When logged in to your portfolio site, go to the Welcome page.
  2. Click “Edit Page” toward the top of the page or the small, italic “Edit” link near the bottom of the page.
  3. In the editing window that comes up, click the image to replace and then the X icon (which should give a tooltip of “Remove” when you hover over it).
  4. Without moving the cursor in the text, click Add Media, just above the editing space.
  5. Click the Upload Files tab
  6. Drag your image file onto the browser or choose “Select Files”, navigate to your image file, and select “Open”.
  7. On the right-hand side of the browser window in the Caption field, type your name, degree program and anticipated year of graduation, denomination (if such things matter to you), hometown, and current contact info
  8. Click the “Insert into post” button
  9. You should be returned to the editor screen. Click the “Preview” button to see the changes, and click the “Update” button when you are satisfied.
  10. Look for the “View post” link to see the changes on your live site.

How do I change my Welcome page text?

This is substantially similar to changing your picture and caption. Instead of editing the image, edit the text! Use the icons in the editor’s menu bar to make text bold, italic, or linked.

How do I add media?

(Including papers/essays/articles.)There are two main ways to add media: directly to the Media Library, or to a single Post or Page. To add content to the Media Library directly, from the Dashboard (the main screen of the administrative interface) go to Media > Add New. You can add one file or many this way. To add content to a single Post or Page, place your cursor where you would like to have the media and click “Add Media” just above the editor space. From there you can add from the Media Library, upload one or more files, or select a URL to show media from. You can also embed media such as video, audio, or slides if the website where they are hosted works with the oEmbed standard. See the WordPress Codex page on Embeds for more.

To create a link (a/k/a hyperlink) to something existing on the web, you can copy-and-paste the URL (web address) into your WordPress Post or Page or you can link from custom text. In the former case, WordPress will transform the pasted text into linked text. In the latter case, select or input the text you want as the visible part of the link, then choose the link button, which looks like this: . You will get a small popup at the text you selected in which you can enter a URL or the name of the page on your site you want to link to.

How about changing the look of the site?

To do this, start at your site’s front page once you’ve logged in and look for the Customize link toward the top of the window. Look for the “Active Theme” section and click/tap the “Change” button. When you find a Theme whose snapshot thumbnail appeals to you, click/tap “Live Preview” and give it another good look. Once you are satisfied that you’ve found a new theme you like, click/tap “Save Activate”.

If you get hopelessly lost, the default theme for these sites is Skirmish; changing back to it should get you back to how the site looked when you first opened it up. If you’d like, you could read the WordPress Codex on selecting the active Theme. Caveat: Changing a Theme sometimes discards the menu setup from the previous Theme.

How do I fix the menu? To fix the menu, you should only need to be in the Customize interface (see above), select Menus  Menu Locations and then select “Primary Menu” from the menu location dropdown (or, depending on the Theme you have chosen, one of the menu location dropdowns). The menu  the consistent navigation of Pages on your site  content still exists, but you need to tell the new Theme where to put it.

Some finer points of editing

Save early, save often: Make liberal use of the “Save Draft” button before you first publish content. If you are editing an existing page, we recommend making a small change, previewing with the “Preview” button, and pressing “Update” instead of making many changes and updating all at once.

Undoing Small Things: In many cases, just using your standard keyboard shortcut for undoing (usually Command + Z on Windows or Control + Z on MacOS) will back out the last change you made, even if that change was removing or adding media. It won’t un-upload a file, but it will remove the link to the file from the current Post or Page.

Undoing Bigger Things: Below the editor space you should see a Revisions pane. Selecting any revision will take you to a screen for looking at, comparing, and restoring versions of your page. If you have been saving frequently (see above), there may be many revisions listed.

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