Canvas @ Yale

Other Way to Get Canvas @ Yale Help

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Below are some additional resources you can use to get help with Canvas.

General Canvas Vendor Support

Live Chat

Get immediate support directly from our Canvas vendor via their 24/7 Live Chat.

Phone Hotline

You can find the numbers to the Canvas Hotline for either Faculty or Students by clicking the "Help" option in the Canvas global navigation.

Canvas Vendor Guides

Get updated on the latest news from Canvas by checking out the Canvas Release Notes.

Search through Canvas' own vendor guides for useful how-to articles. You can find some of the most useful here:

General Canvas @ Yale Support

For Yale University faculty, students, staff, and guests, get direct Canvas @ Yale support through email or a one on one consultation.

Find more resources for Canvas @ Yale support, including service request forms, on our Getting Help with Canvas page.

Canvas @ Yale Support for Professional Schools

If you are affiliated with a specific professional school at Yale and are looking for Canvas support, you can find their support information in our help article, Professional School Help Contacts.

For more help, please contact [email protected].

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