Canvas @ Yale

FAQs: Canvas Guest Accounts for those with a Yale NetID

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Find below some frequently asked questions about requesting and using Canvas @ Yale Guest Accounts. Canvas Guest Accounts are primarily to invite guests into your course who are not part of the Yale community (do not have a Yale NetID). This account is limited, as it is not an official Yale credential. 

Canvas Guest Accounts for those who do have NetIDs should be used for testing purposes only, to better understand how Canvas behaves from the student perspective when "Student View" is insufficient. 

FAQ: I am waiting for my NetID but need to get into Canvas now.  Can I have a Canvas guest account to access my course?

Canvas guest accounts are not made for those waiting for a Yale NetID. A Canvas account associated with your NetID is generated about 24 hours after your NetID is activated and will be automatically enrolled in the course if you are listed as the instructor in Yale Course Search.

Having multiple Canvas accounts can lead to confusion for you, including the risk of duplicate licensing or even blocked access to other Yale services.

FAQ: How can I check on the status of the creation of my NetID?

If you are still waiting for your NetID, check with your business office manager if you are staff or faculty, or check with your program coordinator / director if you are a student learner to find out where you are in the NetID creation process.

FAQ: How can I post materials to my Canvas course if I am still waiting on my NetID?

If you are an instructor waiting for your NetID and you need to post materials to your Canvas site, contact your program director, department admin, or registrar—they can post content to your class if needed while you wait for full access. If you do not know who this person is in your department, please send a message to [email protected] and we can help identify who may be able to help you.

If you are a student waiting for your NetID, ask your instructor or program director to share any relevant information with you through email until your access can be secured.

FAQ: I activated my NetID, why can't I log into Canvas?

If you have activated your NetID, it can take up to 24 hours for the user account to be automatically created in Canvas. If you still cannot login, please contact [email protected] for assistance.

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