Instructors may want or need to move a specific piece of media or even an entire folder to a different folder in the Media Library. The following guide will provide instructions on how to quickly move items.
Table of Contents
This article will address the following information:
Moving an Individual Media Item
- Navigate into your course site on Canvas and click the "Media Library" tool in the course navigation to open your course's Media Library folder.
- Hover over the media item you want to move to see the additional option buttons for that piece of media. Click the "Settings" button.
- A pop-up window will open and in the "Overview" section, you will see the current "Folder" the media resides in.
- Click "Edit" and choose the new location for your media from the drop down the opens, and then click the "Save" button when finished.
- Your content will now be located in the new folder destination.
You can move the media to any folder to which you have Creator level access.
Moving a Media Library Folder
- Navigate into your course site on Canvas and click the "Media Library" tool in the course navigation to open your course's Media Library folder.
- Navigate to the folder you want to move and click the Gear icon in the upper right corner to open up the folder's settings.
- A pop-up box will open to the the "Overview" settings, where you will see the the "Parent folder" in which the folder currently resides.
- Click the Edit" button and select the new parent folder from the drop down menu that opens, then click the "Save" button when finished.
- The folder will now be located within the new folder you selected.
You can move the folder to any other folder to which you have Creator level access.
Moving / Copying Multiple Media Items to Another Folder
The process to move and/or copy multiple media items to another folder is very similar. Most of these steps are exactly the same for both processes with the exception of the final steps where you select to either move or copy the materials.
- Either go directly to, or click the "Open in Panopto" button in the top-right corner from your course Media Library page.
- In the full Media Library web page, hover over the first media item you want to select to move and/or copy and use the check box in the top-left corner to select it.
- Once the first item is selected, a check box will appear for all other items in the folder that can be checked as well.
- Go through and check off all items you you want to move and/or copy.
- Once all items are selected, click either the "Copy" or "Move" button at the top of the folder page, depending on which you want to do.
- From the pop-up window that opens, select which folder you want to either move or copy the files to from the drop down menu.
- Once the folder is selected, click either the "Move" or "Copy" button.
- This button will reflect whichever process you selected. In the case of the image below, the process selected was "Copy."
- Once moved or copied, you can close the pop-up window and navigate to the folder where your Media Library materials have been placed.
Bulk Copying Course Media
Canvas course instructors have the ability to bulk copy Panopto videos from previous courses into new courses from within the media library. When course content is bulk copied, the videos in the original course's folder and any sub-folders are copied to a new course folder.
Where applicable, embedded videos are updated and linked to the new video copy. The new media library course folder is only shared with those enrolled in the new course.
The bulk copy function also allows for instructors to not include recordings that come from Zoom if class session recordings should not be shared between semesters / courses.
- Navigate into your course site on Canvas and click the "Media Library" tool in the course navigation to open your course's Media Library folder.
- Navigate to the folder you want to move and click the Gear icon in the upper right corner to open up the folder's settings.
- On the "Overview" tab of the Settings menu, scroll down to the section "Course Video Copy."
- Use the check boxes to select if you want to include scheduled and/or Zoom recordings in the bulk copy process.
It is advised that you NOT bulk copy over Zoom content as it can include student information not permitted in another course under FERPA.
- Click the "Choose source folder" button and choose the folder you want to copy into this folder by either typing its name or locating it on the drop down menu that appears.
- You must have instructor access to the linked Canvas course on the folder you choose.
- Once the course folder is selected, click "Begin folder copy."
- Depending on the volume of files you have in the original folder, processing times may vary.
- Once copied, all materials from the original course folder and sub-folders will be copied into the new course folder.
- Media will NOT include notes, discussions, or viewing metrics from the previous course.
For more help, please contact [email protected].