Canvas @ Yale

Post'Em: Uploading and Releasing Feedback to Students through Post'Em

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The Post'Em Tool is a way for instructors to provide detailed text feedback to students by uploading a single CSV file. Your CSV file can contain multiple columns of feedback and you can upload as many different CSV files as you wish. This article will go over how to upload and release feedback on Post'Em.

If you have not already, be sure you've enabled the Post'Em tool in your Canvas course prior to continuing in this article.

Table of Contents

This article will address the following information:

Uploading Student Post'Em Feedback

  1. In your Canvas course, click into the "Post'Em" tool from the Course Navigation.
  2. Under the "Add/Update Feedback" header, click the "Download your course template" link and open the CSV template that downloads.
    1. Add your data/feedback in the columns in the CSV file to the right of the required columns.

Your downloaded CSV template file will contain all of the required columns and is pre-populated with your student roster.

Students' NetIDs in the "Login ID" column of the CSV file may be converted / display in a Date format if their NetIDs are an abbreviation of a month (e.g. dec, sep). These date formatted NetIDs can cause an error when uploading the CSV file. To resolve this issue, change the cell format to "Text" so that the CSV does not convert the NetID to a date.

  1. Once you have filled out and saved the template CSV file with your students' feedback information, click the "Choose File" button under the "Postem CSV" header back in Canvas.
    1. Select your saved CSV file to be added.
  2. Provide a "Title" for your Post'Em feedback.

If the "Title" field is left blank, the Post'Em feedback will be titled with the file name of the CSV uploaded.

  1. If the feedback you are uploading is ready for students to review immediately, click to check off the "Release feedback to participants?" box.
  2. When ready, click the "Upload" button to submit your Post'Em feedback to students.
  1. New Post'Em feedback files will be added to the list below the "Upload" button. Each feedback file uploaded will include:
    1. Title of Feedback
    2. Modified By user name
    3. Last Modified date
    4. Released status
    5. Actions button

Releasing Student Post'Em Feedback

If you have uploaded student feedback to Post'Em, but have not released the feedback for students to view, you can release the feedback by following these instructions. Check out our "Unrelease a Student Post'Em Feedback File" article for information on how to remove student access to a Post'Em feedback file.

  1. Scroll down in the Post'Em tool to the feedback files already uploaded to the tool and find the unreleased feedback you want to release.
  2. Click the down arrow of the "Actions" button and select "Release" from the menu that opens for that feedback upload.
  1. The status in the "Released" column will switch from "No" to "Yes" marking the feedback has been made available to students.

For more help with Post'Em, please email [email protected].

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