Once you create Group Sets and Groups, each Group has its own group site that allows students within the group to collaborate with each other. The purpose of this document is to show instructors and teaching fellows how they can access the Group Homepage.
- Click on "People" in the course navigation.
- Click on your specific Group Set tab.
- Click on the three dot icon next to the group and select "Visit Group Homepage."
Students will have access to use and create content within their specific group site that is beyond their normal permissions in your course site.
- The following tools are available within the group homepage and are specific to that group:
- Announcements
- Pages
- People
- Discussions
- Files
- Conferences
- Collaborations
- You can switch between group sites by clicking on "Switch Group" and selecting which group you want to see.
- To return to the course site from the group homepage, click on the Course Name in the top left hand corner.

For more information on Groups:
For more help, please contact [email protected].